
As I mentioned in my previous blog, Fog Computing supports emerging Internet of Things (IoT) applications that demand real-time response and predictable latency such as industrial automation, transportation, networks of sensors, and actuators. Thanks to its wide geographical distribution, the Fog model is well positioned for real time big data and real time analytics. But how can we make Fog real for IoT? We believe Cisco IOx is the answer.

Cisco IOx is delivering an application enablement framework that brings the Fog concept to life by allowing the delivery of distributed computing capabilities and enabling the creation of an intermediate layer between the “things” and the cloud.

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So what exactly is Cisco IOx? In simple terms, Cisco is combining the communication and computing resources that are required for IoT into a single platform for application enablement at the network edge.


Now companies who have devices with XYZ interface, for example, or want to use ABC application to monitor and act upon sensor information can bring their own interface and have it run on Cisco networked devices such as our CGR 1240, 819 ISR and even some of our Video Surveillance Cameras.

Cisco IOx enables users, partners, ISV’s and solution providers to enable new sources of value right at the edge of the network by providing the resources required to Bring Your Own Application (BYOA), and Bring Your Own Interface (BYOI) as close to the devices as possible, enabling a new wave of distributed intelligence capabilities fueling new business models and bringing together a larger ecosystem of companies that can drive innovative solutions for the Internet of Things.

Cisco IOx also supports a paradigm shift on how data is processed. Today, data captured is first transmitted to the cloud and stored. From there, it’s analyzed and commands are sent to act upon that information, then operators are notified. IOx helps overcome the costly need to constantly move data around and allows analysis and notification to occur before the critical information is stored by performing critical data processing and analysis capabilities at the edge of the network, so not only the Cisco IOx model faster and more efficient, but it also helps to meet compliance and regulation policies that are requirements for many of these connected things across different industries.

As part of the application enablement framework, Cisco IOx also offers services to manage those apps and interfaces in a smart and efficient way, so the companies leveraging IOx can start and stop apps at will, update, and modify them as they see fit. And finally, leveraging the Cisco DevNet, Cisco is also offering tools, education, and support for individuals and companies interested in developing and offering their own apps and interface drivers, and a platform to offer them to all customers that use Cisco’s network infrastructure products.


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